What are university leaves of absence?

University leaves of absence (ULOA) are available to eligible employees for medical, personal or educational reasons. ULOA may cover leave requests that do not qualify under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and may be taken when additional time is needed after the expiration of an FMLA leave. The total leave time including FMLA, sick, vacation, other accrued time and personal days may not exceed one year.

Types of University Leaves of Absence

There are three types of ULOA available.

  • University medical leave
  • University personal leave
  • University military leave

University Medical Leave

A university medical leave may be approved for medical reasons not eligible or otherwise covered by FMLA and/or other protected leaves.

University Personal Leave

A university personal leave may be approved for personal reasons and is subject to departmental approval.

University Military Leave

A university military leave may be approved for an employee ordered to duty as part of military reserves or the National Guard.

Apply for University Leaves of Absence

Employees Covered by Collective Bargaining Agreements/Unions

Employees covered by a union and, therefore, a collective bargaining agreement or contract should consult the agreement for additional information. In cases in which university policy and an agreement are in conflict, the provisions of the agreement will supersede.

Return to Work

An employee who takes time off under university medical leave for their own illness/injury will be required to submit to our office a physician’s release to return to work before returning to work. The release must be completed by the employee’s health care provider (HCP). The release to return to work confirms that the employee is able to return to work with the ability to carry out all the essential functions of their job.

If an employee’s HCP is recommending a return to work with limitations, the release must document the employee’s ability to return to work and detail the recommended limitations. The release document must be submitted 10 days prior to the employee’s scheduled return date. The Absence Management Department will review and determine the university’s ability to accommodate the work limitation(s).

An employee may not return to work without submitting a complete release to return to work to the Absence Management Department. Failure to return to work as scheduled may constitute a violation and result in sanctions as outlined in the Rules of Conduct.

Other Leaves

Below are other leaves that are not federally mandated or Temple University-sponsored for which an employee may qualify. Below is information about these leaves.

Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is available to eligible faculty and staff. Plans provide a level of income replacement, as well as continued benefits plan coverage, when an employee becomes disabled and is unable to work. The level of coverage may vary depending on the employee’s job classification and/or any applicable collective bargaining agreement. If interested in enrolling in a disability plan, please contact the benefits office at benefits@temple.edu

Contact Us

For questions regarding the university leaves of absence, call 215-926-2282 or email loa@temple.edu.