The monthly rates are effective for an academic year. Therefore you will be paying the same monthly premium (bill) every month. Note that additional expenses may be added to your a monthly premium for services rendered that are not covered by your plan. Refer to the plan options for additional information.
Rates By Student Classifications
Rates are effective Sept. 1, 2024–Aug. 31, 2025.
Undergraduate, Graduate, Dental, Law, Pharmacy, Medical, Podiatric and International Students
Plan Options | Student Coverage | Student & Child or Student & Spouse Coverage | Student & Children/Student, Spouse & Child Coverage | Family/Student, Spouse & Children Coverage |
Personal Choice High Option Plan | $542.97 | $1,085.94 | $1,628.91 | $2,171.88 |
Personal Choice Deductible Plan | $495.38 | $990.76 | $1,486.14 | $1,981.52 |
Keystone Premium Plan | $514.17 | $1,028.34 | $1,542.51 | $2,056.68 |
Graduate and Teaching Assistants represented by TUGSA
Subsidy % | Rates Chart |
100% Two-semester Subsidy | |
75% Two-semester Subsidy | |
50% Two-semester Subsidy | |
25% Two-semester Subsidy |
Monthly Premium Billing
Independence Blue Cross is responsible for generating and sending the monthly bill for the health insurance coverage. The bill will be sent to the address you provided during the enrollment process. You are responsible for paying the bill directly to Independence Blue Cross. For questions regarding your bill, contact Independence Blue Cross at 1-888-506-9611 or email
Contact Us
For questions regarding student health insurance rates, email