Temple University offers two types of employee retirement savings plans: defined contribution retirement plan, and voluntary retirement contributions plan. These plans are administered by TIAA and Fidelity Investments on behalf of the university. There are different levels of contributions which vary depending on your job classification and collective bargaining agreement.
Defined Contribution Retirement Savings Plan
The university offers a 403(b)/401(a) defined contribution retirement plan to eligible employees with investment through TIAA/Fidelity Investments. Contribution levels vary by job classification and/or bargaining unit agreements.
Eligible faculty and staff can enroll within 31 days of date of hire or any time throughout the year. Get more information about the defined contribution retirement savings plan.
Voluntary Retirement Contributions Plan
The university offers a 403(b) voluntary retirement contributions plan on a pretax or Roth 403(b) after-tax basis to eligible employees with investments through TIAA/Fidelity Investments. Employees may enroll or change the amount of voluntary contributions at any time during the year. The change will be effective the first of the following month. Get more information about the voluntary retirement contributions plan.
Vendor | Website | Phone |
TIAA | 1-800-842-2010 | |
Fidelity Investments | 1-800-343-0860 |
Individual Counseling Sessions
The university offers individual counseling sessions with investment professionals from TIAA and Fidelity Investments throughout the year. This is an opportunity for you to discuss your retirement needs and review your portfolio. Please contact TIAA and/or Fidelity Investments to schedule a session.
Contact Us
For questions regarding employee retirement savings plans, call 215-926-2270 or email [click-for-email]